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Holiday Home Safety Tips

It’s time to get your house ready for the holiday season. But first, before you start decorating your pants off, take a moment to brush up on a few holiday safety tips.


Protect Your Kids & Pets:

Holiday decorations can easily be mistaken for a shiny snack. Keep small, bite-sized ornaments out of reach & remember that mistletoe, poinsettia & holly berries are toxic. Keep it safe!


Be Careful With Candles:

Nothing is more beautiful than including candles in your decoration, but those are open flames in your house. A candle knocked over by an excited pet or kid can pose serious fire hazards.  Candle fires cause around 40 deaths a year and $120 million in damage. Always be sure to blow out all of your candles when leaving the house or going to sleep.


Avoid Irritation:

There’s enough irritation around the holidays! Don’t add to it by getting artificial snow, tinsel, etc. on your skin. All of these irritations can be avoided by reading directions and washing your hands after dealing with any chemical.  Take your time putting things together.


Be Safe On & Around Ladders:

Decorations often call for a climb, so be safe by always keeping three body parts in contact with the ladder at all times. Don’t try to cheat: the base should be one foot away from the wall for every four feet of height. Keep our hips between the rails and don’t overreach. Each year, more than 164,000 people visit the emergency room because of a ladder accident.


For more home safety tips check out our Pinterest board.

